Dr Lars M Ramström is since 1990 director of the Institute for Tobacco Studies, Täby, Sweden, an independent consultancy focusing on research in the epidemiology of tobacco use and related policy matters. From 1967 to 1989 director of the NTS (National Smoking and Health Association), a governmentally supported health agency dealing with research, public information and tobacco control matters.
Originally trained in mathematics and natural science at Uppsala University and thereafter developing a multidisciplinary competence covering tobacco-related aspects of medical, social, behavioural, and economical sciences. Extensive engagements in International activities with various International organizations including the WHO (periods of short term employment as consultant, participation in numerous expert committees etc.) and with the ICAA (International Council on Alcohol and Addictions) as an Honorary Vice President and co-chair of the ICAA Section on Tobacco Dependence. Secretary General of the Fourth World Conference on Smoking and Health, Stockholm, 1979. Initiator of the International Liaison Committee for Tobacco or Health and member of the committee 1980 to 1997. Author of articles, many on tobacco harm reduction, in the scientific literature and reviewer for a number of medical science journals. Recipient of the 1988 WHO Award Medal for achievements in Tobacco Control. Recipient of the First Michael Russell award 2018.
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